Friday, July 19, 2013

Meet Angela Myron, author of 'Ennara and the Fallen Druid'

Please welcome author Angela Myron today! Learn more about her and her book Ennara and the Fallen Druid. Be sure to leave her any comments or questions!

What was the inspiration behind 'Ennara and the Fallen Druid'?
A number of things inspired me when writing this story. I wanted to write a heroic adventure set in a fictional distant future of Earth. I wanted to explore that world through the eyes of a strong young female hero. I wanted to explore the struggle between light and darkness within us all. And magic. I wanted lots of magic.
Which character was the most fun to write?
Smoos and Kithe were, by far, the most fun characters to write. They are both intelligent and skilled, but have strong comedic traits. They added a lot of energy to each scene, and were just fun to be around.
Which scene was your favorite?
Easily, my favorite scene was the one in the market, when Ennara accidentally brings the meat on a butcher’s stand to life. It was just as funny to write as it is to read.
A close second and third would have to be the scenes with the toadstools in the forest, and the paintings in the Royal Gallery of Ililsa. I love the magic my characters used!
What message do you hope readers take away from your story?
Ah, theme. It's in the eye of the beholder. However, there are a few themes in the story that I tried to cultivate, and hope that the reader picks up. First, that heavy burdens can and must be shared with friends. Second, that the greatest power to overcome adversity is the light and intelligence within you. And finally, that desperate situations can often be solved without violence, if you put your mind to it.
Will we see these characters again?
Absolutely! I hope to have book two of Ennara’s story out in early 2014. We’ll see a lot more of Kithe, Gevin, Smoos, Tork, and, of course, Ennara too, in their new home of the Druidic Academy in Iceland.
Do you have any other projects in the works?
Besides writing book two of the Ennara series, I’m writing a paranormal mystery under the pen name Chase Theroux. Why two names? One for kids, and another for everything else. So the kids don’t come across adult content written by the author of the fantasy story they just read.
I feel like when I was a kid, we were all into reading mysteries. Now, children seem to be really drawn to fantasy. Why do you think fantasy is so appealing to the younger audience?
I think kids are still reading mysteries, and I know that even as a child I loved fantasy stories. If you look closely at today’s popular fantasy stories, they all have strong elements of mystery to them, as well as riddles, puzzles, and mythology.
It is the unique domain of the child to believe that wishing on stars will indeed bring their fruition, and that somewhere in a distant land and time, fairies, dragons and unicorns exist.
I remember that as a child, I thought that even the simplest objects were composed of many tiny, intricate, complex machines under the surface. And that not just TV was once black and white, but rather that the world was, and color itself was invented.
Fantasy stories, especially ones filled with magic and magical creatures, allow a child to embrace the vivid imagination and open-hearted belief in possibility that is inherent to a young mind. I think that it’s the same reason some adults love fantasy stories too. It brings us back to that state of limitless possibility. It makes the world around us magic.
Because fantasy is so popular, how do you make yourself stand out in the genre?
Currently, I try to stay authentic to my experiences and the stories I feel are important to tell. Each of us has such a unique life, I think it would take more effort to write just like someone else than it would be to have your own voice. But, you could ask me that again in a few years. I’ll probably have a better answer then.
You have twin toddlers at home. How do you balance caring for them with your writing?
There is no balance when you have 19 month old twins at home! Seriously, my time is completely consumed by them, at least when they are awake. I don't think it should be any other way.
I write because it is an important practice to me—I feel lost without it. But my days are full with these wonderful little people who need a lot of attention. So when they are awake, they have me completely. When they sleep, I write.
It makes for early mornings, simple meals, and not the most perfectly tidy house. It takes me months longer to draft and revise my stories than it does my peers. But that is all temporary. Eventually I’ll get back to writing fulltime.
Do you find yourself making up stories to tell them, in addition to reading books?
I’m sure that will come as they get older. At the age of a year and a half, they are content with playing with their board books and listening to a few paragraphs of The Tales of Peter Rabbit before bed.
How did you make the transition from article writing to fiction writing?
Unlike some people, I wasn’t able to pick up fiction writing in addition to my fulltime job. I have the deepest reverence for writers who are able to put in 8-10 hours at work and then come home and write stories. I attempted novels several times before doing on maternity leave with my twins, but it took a concentrated effort (aside from caring for newborns) to finish my first novel.
What is something readers may be surprised to learn about you?
I was a Tibetan Buddhist nun for three years in my late twenties. That’s not too common, is it? During that time, I went to several talks by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and a handful of times even sat on stage with him (and other monks and nuns) during Buddhist teachings. It was magical. My affair with the thoughtful religion slowed after I spent two summers and a Christmas holiday in Arizona helping with an intense Tibetan Buddhist retreat. Nursing wounds from a deceitful preacher and aggressively competitive students, I withdrew to my home country of Canada and back to the life of a layperson. Moral of the story: thoroughly check out any religious or spiritual group, even if they claim affiliation to those you trust. The damage people with selfish motivations can cause in a spiritual context can have nuclear ramifications.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I’m looking for reviewers and people for my street team! If’ you’d like to become a beta reader and be eligible for some swag, please drop me a line at myronangela AT gmail DOT com.
Thank you so much for your time!
Thank you, Andi!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Like many writers, I have a full life in which I juggle many duties and joys. I love to cook, garden, and play with my twins. As a mother to toddlers, I write whenever I am not helping them navigate their day--which typically means in the early mornings and early afternoons when they sleep, and sometimes when Grandma comes to visit.

I was twenty-two when writing became a passion of mine. I've been doing it in one form or another ever since. But it took me a very long time to follow my heart's desire to tell stories.

For years, I simply journaled. I delved into writing articles for newsletters and grant proposals. I settled into technical writing, often finding myself a one-person writing, editing, design, app development, and publication team. I learned the basics of journalism, and finally, when on maternity leave with my twins, I turned to writing fiction.

I am grateful for every reader I have. Writing can be a solitary pursuit, but it can also be a dialog, a meeting of the minds. I invite you to connect with me:


Join my street team! Email me at to subscribe to my newsletters.

Ennara and the Fallen Druid
by Angela Myron



Eleven year-old Ennara Gaern has a serious grudge against the dragon on her right hand.

Born with a caul—a mask that foretold magical powers—she was immediately inked with the fiendish, fire-breathing tattoo that forces her to study boring texts, cover her hand continuously, and worst of all, keeps her from visiting the beautiful capital city, Dordonne. But her quiet life changes when one night she is attacked by a shadowy demon.

Tork, an old friend and wizard, is enlisted to help. But when he arrives, he informs Ennara’s parents that she is her world’s only hope of finding the legendary Sword of Gisilfrid, which is needed to destroy the curse that is creating the demons. Ennara doesn’t want to leave on the dangerous quest, but when she learns the curse threatens her world, she reluctantly agrees.

Ennara and the wizard begin a perilous journey to the Sunken City, pitting them against dangerous oceans and pirates intent on claiming Ennara’s magic as their own. With only her friends at her side, including the intelligent, aquatic cat Smoos, Ennara must defeat monsters guarding the sword and servants of the Fallen Druid. When her world is covered in darkness, will she know how to dispel the curse?


Read an excerpt:

“Is it true she is….” Gevin blushed. “I mean, you are… magic?”
Ennara fumbled the wand as she turned it in her fingers. She scooped it off the floor. Her stomach knotted and her cheeks burned. “Oh, um, I guess.”

She nervously twirled the wand again, this time accidentally tapping the case of trinkets. A lavender light shimmered across the panes, and behind them the objects began to twitch.

“Eeep!” Ennara jumped as the severed hand crawled toward her and tapped on the glass. A long finger uncurled and poked the case open. The appendage leapt from the shelf to the chest, then the floor, and scurried to the door.

Smoos crouched on the lower bunk, wiggled her haunches, and pounced on the hand. She shook it back and forth in the air. It grabbed the cat’s snout and flicked her hard on the nose. She dropped the hand and snorted, rubbing her muzzle with her paw. The hand scampered away and hid behind the girl’s legs.

“You seem to have a penchant for necromancy, young lady.” Tork flicked his curvy black wand at the case. “Merta perape.”

The hand and other charms returned to their lifeless state.

“Ne … necromancy?” The word felt foreign in her mouth. She glanced at Kithe and Gevin. Both boys were fixed on her. Gevin’s mouth hung open.

“Yes. Bringing back the deceased. Creating walking dead. Giving life to the lifeless.”
But I didn’t say a spell!”

Buy links:

Also available on iTunes

   Angela will be awarding to a randomly drawn commenter during each week on the tour, a wall calendar print from (Items can be exchanged for other equal or lesser value items from Ennara Swag on Cafepress.), and will award a t-shirt from to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour (US ONLY). Also, a $20 Amazon GC will be awarded to a randomly drawn host.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for hosting Ennara and the Fallen Druid today, Andi!
